Tuesday, October 18, 2011

french macarons


Turns out I am not so strong when someone I love is the patient in the hospital gown.
I will inevitably think differently of you if you tell me your favorite restaurant is Applebee’s.
I am not afraid to eat off other people’s plates (and I actually really enjoy it).
I hate men with blowers just about as much as you can hate anything.
I subconsciously tug at my eyebrows when I get nervous (before I took the MCAT, a whole section of my left eyebrow vanished :)
I am only as bossy as anyone around me is lazy I am bossy.
I really like dark chocolate. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t indulge this craving.
Large herds of girls intimidate me.
I am unapologetically and often intentionally late to most everything.
I get anxiety for about the whole month of December, which has caused me to be uncertain as to whether or not I like Christmas (I love love love the family aspect of it and I wholly appreciate the birth of baby Jesus, so I think the presents are the root of all my angst).
I was spanked as a child. And I plan to spank my children.
I often wish I had a Nerf gun with me on my bike rides to school so that I could politely remind people not to take up the whole sidewalk and help cars know to wait their turn.
I am a really good keeper of other people’s secrets (future HIPAA champ?)
Despite the fact that I love to cook, if I lived alone I would probably eat cereal followed by a bowl of Blue Bell for nearly every meal.
Medical school (especially Developmental Anatomy, Microbiology, Genetics, and Behavioral Science) has made me wonder how any of us turned out normal (and thankful that we did…for the most part).
I am a terrible driver. I am not so sure I know all the rules… and I like to drive a little fast and crazy.
My need to eat Kashi GoLean everyday for breakfast meets the criteria for a compulsion.
I have a natural affinity for red hair. I think God planted it in my mind when he thought me up. I immediately like you more if you are so well endowed with a head of red. 
I think these French Macarons are too she-she poo-poo fancy for me (I am still not good at making them yet) and that they will eventually go the way of the cupcake (aren’t those out of style yet?) and the Furby.

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