Friday, October 14, 2011

im alive!

Oh hello world! But first, note to the self that survived that marathon of exams: remember to enjoy the means, not just the end. I was abrasively reminded this week by nothing less than a tragedy that I must avoid the idea of “just getting through” a rough time period; I cannot wait to love my life until this part of the process is over, or I would miss out on the joy and appreciation garnered by this hard work it entails. You see, we may not all live to the end of the process, so we must enjoy (or at least value, appreciate, acknowledge the significance of) each of the moments that make it up.
A girl in my class died halfway through our testing period (last Friday). I did not know her well enough to say, but I do hope she was enjoying this education process and not holding out for some future (and empirically elusive) comfort. Her name was Natalie… and she will henceforth remind me to enjoy each day, not as if it were my last (no, I would NOT study if I doubted tomorrow), but as if it were specially given to me to do something awesome with. I should appreciate my privilege to exist, from that first cup of coffee to that final glass of wine and all the moments in between.  

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