Friday, January 6, 2012

some family time...and more deer

Well I survived my first ever flat tire this week. Luckily it popped right as I was turning into the parking lot of the store where my big brother Miles works, so I only had to ride the rim until I could find a parking spot. Since I do not know how to change a tire (who was supposed to teach me this? my dad? does he even know how?), my first thought was to just abandon the Tahoe and move on with my life. After all, who has time for these sorts of bothersome real life set backs? My second thought was to call Ben since he was at work not too far away. He did show up as moral support, but since he was wearing a suit (fresh from the dry-cleaners) we decided his pretty little self should just go back to work. Long story short, a nice man from "road side assistance" contacted by my car insurance showed up and changed the tire. I watched him and am fairly certain I could do it myself next time, but let's hope that "next time" never actually happens. I am still thankful for all the potentially helpful men I had around me at that moment though.*

Miles came over after he got off work at 9 for a little late night dinner.....of more deer!

* I knew Miles could change the tire since he is better at real life things like that (and I have seen him do it before). I also knew Ben could do it...but he was wearing a suit (good excuse). 

Venison sliders with Gouda cheese
on a platter made for me by very creative friend Stephanie.

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