Wednesday, January 18, 2012

thank you MLK

Martin Luther King Day is a very important holiday in that it annually affords me a day off to celebrate with my family. I must admit that I never feel like I am actually celebrating Dr. King’s life and accomplishments (although he certainly merits it), but instead am gathering up my family and close friends to celebrate my birthday, as it falls fortuitously close to this national holiday.

We spent the previous weekend in Lamar with my parents, Ben’s parents, Ben’s sister Becki and our precious niece and nephew eating, resting, sneaking in some studying, and eating some more. My Starkey grandparents and my old friend Ryan even joined us for dinner one night (obviously everyone is reaaaalllyy excited about MLK). Our good friends Callie and Slayt joined us on Sunday night (we always really appreciate time with them as they tend to bring out the fun in us). I got into the baking mood at one moment and optimized a little gift I received from Mrs. Patti (new bundt pan); my lack of willingness to go to HEB prompted creativity (in the form of pantry raiding) and Callie and I came up with the scrumptious bundt below!

thanks for the bundt pan Mrs. Patti!

Cocoa and Symphony bar swirled with Amaretto

night fishing off the dock
ben and slayt caught a few fish...and callie and i caught mostly rocks

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