Saturday, May 11, 2013

husBen, JD

Let me please apologize for my stint of absence from this blog space, but so much has happened in the last week in this household. Most significantly, husBEN FINISHED LAW SCHOOL!!!! He graduated from the University of Houston Law School today and I could not be more proud of him. While sitting through the commencement ceremony [2 hours long…not complaining…except that I am], I went through a range of emotions, from awe at his accomplishments, to trapped boredom, to near tears at the flight of time in the past three years. I cannot believe this kid so recently set out to accomplish law school as a fresh-out Baylor grad, then today walked across a stage having spent 3 years at University of Houston, now a full-blown lawyer. Does this mean he is a grown-up? 

Ben opening his graduation present

When husBen and I started undergrad as wanna-be pre-med students, we bonded over hours of sitting in the library pretending to study for a biology lab class we were both coincidentally enrolled in. By sophomore year, I somehow convinced the boy to take an 8 am chemistry lab class with me, for which he would pick me up curbside twice a week at 7:45 am then take me on a date to Jason’s Deli afterwards (hey, we were in Waco). I remember probably the only time we skipped a chemistry quiz to finish watching the movie Real Genius in his golden colored Tahoe in the Baylor Science Building parking garage. By the time our pre-med schedules required us to take organic chemistry 2, we discovered a new study spot: the Baylor Law library. It was quiet and there were no sorority girls pretending to study while   oogling fraternity guys across the table (with their sonic cups filled with who knows what). I don’t know if it was the respectful beauty of the place, with huge windows and long dark wood tables, situated on the banks of the Brazos or the negative pressure of O-chem 2 (that surely was invented by someone on acid) that convinced Ben to switch his career entirely, but by the end of our junior year, he had law school on his mind.

The rest is history…as of about 5 hours ago. I do not yet know what the pressures of real adulthood might feel like (as an eternal student myself), but I look forward to the shaping of our lives with at least one functioning member of society/one breadwinner/one adult in the household. My naiveté hopes this accomplishment shapes us well.

Both our parents drove in for the event so naturally we have eaten fancier in the past 24 hours than we should in 1 week: Pass & Provisions, RDG Bar Annie, and Underbelly to name a few. I still have Angela’s Bakery and Pondicheri on my list for tomorrow…

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