Wednesday, August 3, 2011

eggplant and other things a bit dark

Yesterday I saw a woman almost leap to her death off the roof of one of the hospitals in the medical center. I was riding my bike home and stopped for a moment because of the cop cars blocking the sidewalk, then I followed the eyes of the cops upwards and saw the woman there sitting. I could tell someone was behind her, trying to talk her down, because the closer the figure got, the further away she scooted down the ledge. I stood there for awhile and watched, feeling kind of helpless and embarrassed. After a few minutes, I had to ask myself why I was still standing there. Was it because I did not want to miss it if she did jump? What is it about human nature that so interests us in death? I biked the rest of my way home wanting to cry a little. I had to wonder, did she not have one good thing left to live for, one last person to love on, one last thing to taste, one last moment to experience? I still do not know if she jumped, but all I could do was pray hard that she wouldn’t.

Japanese eggplant

Olive oil

Salt and pepper

Lemon juice


Toasted pine nuts

Basil leaves, julienned

Dice eggplant. Toss in olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast at 400 for 40 minutes. Immediately sprinkle with lemon juice, crumbled feta, pine nuts, and basil leaves and serve warm.

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